Why to Choose Igniters?
Our Value System stands on the pillars of truth, transparency and hardwork. We constantly strive for excellence in our field of service.
Teaching through TRIPLE I technique, which makes learning a lifelong process and improves understanding of concepts, as it is based on "Imagination", "Innovation" and "Inspiration".
Students are provided with chapter wise practice tests, assignments, problem sheets which they have to submit in stipulated time. Simulator tests which give the students the real feel of the examination are conducted and scores are sent to their parents.
We pay individual attention to each and every student's need, irrespective of their merit in the class.
We conduct special remedial classes on Saturdays where our faculty clears the doubts of students with reference to their respective subjects.
We devise right strategies from time to time to optimize student's output. Our classroom teaching focuses on developing analytical and logical skills, thereby sharpening parallel thinking process. Our students are well equipped to resolve any complex and tricky problems.
Our research and development team keeps a keen eye on the latest changes and development in the pattern of CBSE, ICSE, ISC and other prestigious entrance exams thereby keeping us updated and ahead of the curve